Submitted by Name: William Propsner From: America, but live in New Mexico E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hi Ms Eggleston. Just have one question. I like your ad for Allstate. Why did you 'bounce' while you moved your mouth to the narrator? Was it your way of keeping time? Way cool. God Bless
Added: July 24, 2019
Submitted by Name: David From: Arkansas E-mail: Contact
Comments: I just watched Summer Snow for the first time and it was awesome! You did an excellent job as Hallie. Also watched a couple of your YouTube interviews and you did great!
Comments: hi guys i am new here and need to know what i can post here? i have been searching blogs on different things and went through They have all subject related blogs and articles just have a look.
Added: February 8, 2018
Submitted by Name: SANDRA NEVAREZ From: Deming new mexico E-mail: Contact
Comments: my husband and I just finished watching summer snow on pureflix. Loved the movie by the way. You are an amazing girl and have much talent to show the world. May God continue to bless you always.
Added: June 17, 2017
Submitted by Name: Sandy
Comments: Love the new look it came out amazing, great job Lisa and Sarah!!
Love the new pictures of Rachel, glad to see she had a great time at the 'Just Add Magic' premiere .
Added: June 5, 2016
Submitted by Name: Saoirse
Comments: Lisa, Jenny and Rachel - the website looks fantastic! So happy to see it fresh and updated. Excited to visit regularly and follow Rachel's success.
Added: May 26, 2016
Submitted by Name: Esther West and Lori Prausa E-mail: Contact
Comments: Congratulations on all your success!
Added: May 26, 2016
Submitted by Name: Lisa From: Canada E-mail: Contact
Comments: Welcome to Rachel Eggleston's Official Guestbook! Here you can leave messages for Rachel and her family. Whether it is just dropping by to say hello or compliments about her various projects, we'd love to hear from you
Name: Susan S
From: Colorado
E-mail: Contact
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